Wednesday 21 September 2022

Things to Consider When Taking an Online Ijazah Course:

 Most of the students do the Ijazah course in order for them to be able to teach the Quran as well as specialize in the reading of the Quran Tajweed or even the Quran recitation. The Ijazah course is mainly considered because it helps individuals to improve in reciting the Quran. Moreover, the certificate offered after completion of the course is recognized worldwide, making it crucial for you to take this course. To be able to teach your friends, family, and even the community how to recite and memorize the Quran, the Ijazah course is important. Before you take the online Ijazah course, here are a few things that you need to consider.

1. Access to resources:

Before you decide on taking the online Ijazah course, it’s important that you first get access to the required resources. In most cases, you need to first have access to the course itself and this will require you to have an internet connection as well as a smartphone or laptop. With these resources, you are assured that you’ll easily access the online Ijazah course and study like any other student.

2. Cost for the course:

It’s essential for you to know that the online Ijazah course has a fee attached to it. To be able to study the course, it’s required that the fees be paid. Most of these fees are based on the type of schedule per week that you’ll pick for the course. Ensure that you consider going through the fees to see if it’s something that you can easily afford or whether you’ll require assistance from your close friends and relatives.

3. Credibility:

There are different individuals and organizations that offer the online Ijazah course. To improve on your perspectives, the credibility of the individual or organization is very important. Obtaining the Ijazah certificate from a well-known company is the aim of every individual. It’s therefore advisable that you consider checking the accreditations of the online Ijazah teacher and that of the institution for you to be sure that you’re obtaining the certificate from a recognized online platform.

Moreover, taking the Ijazah course is a great consideration because, with the course, you get to interact with Ijazah teachers as they teach and evaluate your level of recitation. With the Ijazah certificate upon successfully completing the course, you are as well given the authority to teach other individuals, which is a great way of improving the community.

Saturday 6 August 2022

Guide for Learning the Quran for Beginners

It must be well known that Muslims across the globe hold a special spot for the Holy Quran. Because Arabic is such a complex language, some of us are unable to read this Holy Book because it is written in that language. However, following the right rules will help you become an expert Quran reader. People find it challenging to enrol in Quran classes for beginners or young people. When you are aware of where or how to begin studying, it won't be challenging.

1.      Start with Noorani Qaida:

Noorani Qaida is a booklet that aids in
learning the Quran for beginners. It also teaches the Quran to children and those who are learning to read the Holy Book flawlessly. Noorani Qaida must be your primary resource for learning the Quran if you have no prior knowledge of either the Arabic language or the Holy Quran. Noorani Qaida is the ideal teacher for learning Arabic consonant sounds, short vowel sounds, and long vowels. It can also help you recognize Arabic symbols and accept the fundamental rules of pronunciation.

2.      Learn Quran Reading:

Upon reading the Noorani Qaida as a learning the Quran for beginners tool, you will get a fundamental grasp of the Arabic language. It's time to advance to the next stage, which is starting to read the Holy Quran. Instead of just reading the words, you should get the hang of reading the Quranic verses. You will begin by reading the Holy Quran's verses and memorizing them. Alternatively, you can use online Quran tutors to help you. You should be capable of reading the Holy Quran accurately.

3.      Start with Easy Chapters:

People frequently believe that teaching children and beginners the Quran is highly challenging. The main cause of this is that they begin reading from lengthy chapters like Surah Al-Baqarah. Reading through such a lengthy chapter quickly can be intimidating while learning the Quran for beginners. For this reason, you should begin reading the Quran by starting with simple and short chapters. When you master them and become fluent, begin reading your Holy Quran at the first juz.

  1. Learn the Favourite Verses:

The entire Holy Quran maintains a special place in Muslim culture, yet certain verses are more important than others in terms of the advantages they provide. The Ayat ul Kursi is a perfect example. Due to its incredible advantages, the 255th verse of the Holy Quran is particularly revered by Muslims. You can study these verses once you begin reading the Quran, even if you don't finish it in order.

Online Quran classes for beginners is also a perfect and easy way to start your journey of learning the Holy Quran. Whether you’re starting adult, for your kid or a beginner, the courses are designed to fit your needs.

Monday 11 July 2022

Tips to help you learn Arabic online

Arabic is among the most spoken languages in the world. Therefore, there is an advantage to understanding the language, especially if you plan on working with Arab-speaking people or living in Arab countries. You don’t have to go to physical classes since there are so many online platforms that offer online Arabic courses that you can choose from. Although it's sometimes challenging to learn a new language, below are tips that will help you understand Arabic easily;

Choose the form that you are interested in learning:

Just like other languages, there are various forms of Arabic. It's the official language spoken in most Northern African countries and the middle east. Different regions vary in accents and pronunciations, although it's the same language. Therefore, if you are planning on living or interacting with people from a specific region, learning their variations will make it easier for you to communicate.

  • Learn the basics:

You may be too excited to learn a new language and go straight to transcribing instead of learning the alphabet first. Like how you learned your native language, learning the letters firsts and later forming words and sentences helps you learn more about grammar and syntax. Understanding the basics will make the rest easier.

  • Know how to use the dictionary:

The Arabic dictionary is quite different from others. Before deeply engaging yourself with online Arabic classes, try practicing using the dictionary and how the words are organized. It's not an easy task, but the more you practice, the faster you'll get to know how to use it.

  • Study and practice more:

The easiest way to learn new words is by seeing them, hearing, writing down, and speaking them. Combining these activities improves your understanding. You can also watch interesting TV programs with simpler vocabulary for your basics.

  • Speak Arabic:

Attending online Arabic classes where you hear and write the words is not enough. It's very critical that you speak Arabic and try to communicate with other people. However, if you don't have that opportunity with technology, you can as there are online tutors who can coach you on that.

Considering the above tips during online Arabic classes will improve your learning process. Learning a new language is a process, and it never stops. You come across something new each day and become better day by day.

Master the Quran With Online Tajweed Courses

Learning the Quran is a deeply spiritual and enriching journey, and learning its enumeration is essential for understanding its communicatio...